BUSINESS INSIGHT: On the other hand, what about companies that set the initial price of something too low, even offering a product or service free of charge in order to encourage people to use it? Isn't that why so many online publishers are facing such great difficulties, because they initially offered their content for free and then consumers couldn't move past that anchoring point?If there are substitutes, like other email services that are still free, the reference price stays at $0 in their mind. But if there are no clear substitutes or if there are services that have a higher price, then these serve to assign values to the unbundled services. In the Airline baggage fee case, the next best thing is to use overnight shipping with FedEx or UPS to your destination. The high price of these services help to serve as the reference points and help to improve perceived value of the unbundled components in the minds of the consumers.
DR. ARIELY: The truth of the matter is that it's very hard to realize the value of something even after you've used it. Say you use e-mail. How valuable is it to you? Sure, if something is free then people will start using it. But what companies don't realize is that the mapping of utility to money is very difficult. People won't say, "This is so great. I'll pay $20 for it." Instead they'll say, "I used it for free all along and now you're charging me? I'm not interested."
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Consumer behavior On Unbundling - Valuing Free
Where to start looking for modeling Unbundling
I think that you should look for your ideas outside the academic journals---in newspapers, in magazines, in conversations, and in TV and radio programs. When you read the newspaper, look for the articles about economics : : : and then look at the ones that aren’t about economics, because lots of the time they end up being about economics tooGiven the stories I have been talking about, all of mine came from news media. The academic papers I read seem to have no managerial implications to me.
Here are other stories I have been thinking about in the context of unbundling
- Korean online video game firm Nexon that gives its service free but charges you for every small thing you want to purchase. You want better weapon? better shield to withstand weapons? you get the picture.
- I was at Target stores the other day and saw packs of gift cards that read IMVU credits. IMVU online 3D chat forum that is free to signup but asks people to pay through credits for better style, outfit, rooms, and "moves".
Now by unbundling the game, Nexon is appealing to those willing to gain superiority in their game by paying for it.
Shrink wrapped video game is a monolith. Make it free and charge for components to make the game play worthwhile, you have unbundling.
A Case of Unbundled Newspaper
Take the case of Wall Street Journal online edition. As a non-subscriber you can read some of their free articles but not the premium-subscriber only articles. You would like to have some of the articles but not ready to signup for the whole subscription, after all you do not want to pay for for content you can get for free from other sources or do not want to pay for the the opinion pieces that you do not agree with.
Your demand is about 3-4 articles per week. Suppose the WSJ unbundled its online edition and allowed people to pay per article. Let us ignore for now details like, how long can readers access the article etc. How would they price each article?
The WSJ at the newsstand costs $2 per day. So in theory, WSJ cannot price an article for more than $2. Or Can they? Take the case of what they do for articles sold through Factiva, a DowJones service. Factiva Individual subscription requires you to pay an annual fee, just for the ability to search for the article and $2.95 per article you view. The moment you click on a link to view the article you are charged $2.95. Since they have your credit card information, it is simply added up to your account.
Sample monthly charges
First Month:
Sign-up: $69.00 Viewed 10 documents: $29.50 Set up 1 Track folder: $9.95 -------- Total Charges: $108.45 Second Month:
Viewed 12 documents: $35.40 Set up 1 Track folder: $9.95 Existing track folder: $9.95 -------- Total Charges: $55.30
Of course the Factiva service is subscription service and not pure unbundled service. The entry fee is the access to years of archives. Then the articles are sold in unbundled manner. This is2-part tariff. Factiva website says this individual plan is for occasional users who buy a few articles per month.
In sum, unbundling does not mean you destroy value and lose pricing advantage. When getting the customers to commit to a higher subscription fee is difficult, it is possible to charge significantly higher fee per unbundled component when this offer is targeted to the right segment.
Transaction Costs of Unbundled Pricing
Now consider unbundling of content from an website, like newspaper. Readers are allowed to purchase unbundled articles without buying the whole subscription. The bigger hurdle with this service is how to complete the transaction in a way it is easier and cheaper for the readers and publishers.
Readers cannot be burdened with entering their credit card information every time.
On the other hand, readers can't be asked to register and provide their credit card information because of consumer psychology. Besides, if the articles are priced at just a few cents per view, the transaction cost for the credit cards will end up costing more than the price of the articles.
The transaction costs of unbundling may force firms to not consider it at all. But unbundled pricing does not have to mean unbundled payments. There are options like acommon third party systems, like a prepaid calling card or iTunes gift card. I will discuss these in detail in the coming days.
Monday, September 22, 2008
When Baggage Fees Unbundling Was First Introduced
As fuel costs have escalated, airlines have been tightening up their baggage rules. Some of those rules are now being completely rewritten. British-based Flybe introduced a "fair deal for baggage" scheme on February 1st, which it says means passengers unburdened by bags will no longer have to pay towards carrying other people's suitcases. Five days later, Ireland's Ryanair announced details of a similar plan to encourage passengers to travel with fewer bags.
Speeding up the check-in is likely to prove popular among passengers, especially those taking short trips. Flybe says only 55% of its passengers have bags to check, and it expects that number will now fall slightly. Because anything that persuades passengers to travel more lightly saves fuel and cuts the cost of ground services, other carriers will be studying this particular flight plan very carefully.The fairness argument appeals to the claimed 50% who do not check in bags. The airlines make this a "cost-based" argument, stating that, "if we don't incur the cost we won't charge you".
The issue is with differentiated pricing that aims to capture all consumer surplus for those who need this service and does not reflect the cost. Consumers will view this as unfair pricing. For those who do use the service, it will be unfair unless the airlines can show the value add that is more than the basic service that was included in the base price of the ticket.
Fairness Questions on Unbundled Pricing
And in the midst of this malaise, airline executives have been casting around for new ways to make money—including charging customers more for “extras” that were previously embedded in a basic ticket price.Fairness in pricing is definitely a factor that marketers should consider when unbundling. In the case of airlines, there is also considerable history behind th outrage. With the practice of "yield pricing", almost everyone views airline pricing as not "fair".
Combined with it when customers do not get the value for the price they pay, the fairness issue is going to cause outrage. For example, when United charges $50 for the second bag and still manages to lose it (albeit temporarily) the customer sees no value for the cost incurred.
Unbundled pricing is not about wringing the last dollar out of every customer without providing value. It is about identifying those with higher Reservation Price for certain components and delivering them value that is well above what they would get with bundled pricing.
This topic on fairness and consumer behavior have a much larger significance in the success of unbundled pricing. I will revisit these in the future.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Unbundling Of Industrial Systems
In Unbundling of Industrial Systems, the authors say
We focus on a firm that currently sells its system only in a bundled form, and ask when it might be more profitable to unbundle the system and possibly even withdraw some of the components.With a customer base with heterogeneous preferences, they look at bundled system as those offering better integration vs. unbundled systems that offer greater modularity. This also assumes that there are competitors who can supply the modular components. Then their rule for unbundling is
A simple decision rule is to compare theThe conditions they describe for industrial system apply in general to products and services, of materal and information. But I am not convinced that the decision rule is as simple with information goods and services and even in some material services.
per-unit margin of the bundled system with the various
unit margins of the unbundled components; unbundle if
the former is smaller. If the margin rule does not signal
unbundling, an appraisal of the added systems' attributes
in comparison with the focal system's attributes is needed.
In the case of Newspaper unbundling, the individual articles are the components and the newspaper is the bundle. When the distribution moves to Internet, there exists competitors to supply many of the components. For example, the news (not commentary, Op-Ed and Opinions) on most events are indistinguishable between major newspapers. But today there is no market for selling unbundled stories. Generalizing this, the two conditions that require reconciling are
- When the components have never been sold separately and hence they have no market and have no published prices but the customers may have a non-zero Reservation Price
- The marginal cost of the individual components is close to 0, that is most of the cost is incurred by the integration itself.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Effect of Costs and Economies of Scale on Bundling
P10: The profitability of price bundling is likely to be higherRelative contribution margin is the ratio of price less variable cost to the price.
than that of unbundling (a) the higher the relative contribution
margin and (b) the stronger the economies of scale
or scope.
Given their condition (a) there are special cases that exist in which unbundling is preferrable
- The Variable cost is 0 or close to 0
- The price approaches zero
Sticking with the same example for the second point, when articles are always sold as bundles, the price an individual article can be sold for is 0. The price approaching 0 does not mean that the customer RP is 0 as well. When denied access to certain articles, customers may have a non zero RP for certain articles and will be willing to pay for single articles instead of buying the whole subscription.
Given these two conditions, it would be more profitable to unbundle than bundle.
The Two Unbundling Dimensions
BART tickets are like debit cards with stored value. All BART stations have automatic ticket vending machines that accept nickels, dimes, quarters and $1 coins, as well as $1 $5, $10 and $20 bills. BART fares are set with a mileage-based formula, therefore time-based passes (e.g., weekly or monthly) are not available. [you can buy ] A 6.25% discount in two denominations: $48 ticket for $45; $64 ticket for $60So every time you take a trip you pay for the mileage. Even with the high value ticket the amount is deducted for every trip. The only discount you get is probably due to their lower transaction cost and breakage (depending on you to not use all the amount). By not offering a unlimited travel pass and charging every trip based on mileage, BART has unbundled its offering. This is more like usage based pricing, where you pay per use.
This leads me to define that unbundling can happen along two dimensions, along product or along usage. BART ticket unbundling is not like the airline baggage fee in which the unbundled product/services are distinct. The airline baggage fee is along product dimension and BART pricing is along the usage dimension.
Unbundling At The Gas Station
Before the oil crunch everyone paid the same price. The credit card commision is distributed across the entire customer base in the form of higher gas price. When gas was selling for $1-$2, no one minded. Now at $4 a gallon and extreme competition with other gas stations (this is a high operational leverage business with low contribution margin) the owners started separating out the credit card commision and list the lower price to attract customers.
This is unbundling. The main service offered is filling up your tank. For the convenient pay, which is now optional, you pay 10 cents more per gallon.
Is there a problem with it. In some cases, some of the gas station owners advertised only the lower price to attract people and implicitly tacked on the added fee. That is unacceptable unless the customers knew exactly what services they are getting for the per gallon price.
When done explicitly and deliberately, this falls under unbundling. Another point to note here is that, like airline travel, gas stations are commodity businesses. The consumer expectations and loyalty is low. Unbundling fits this business model well.
Mental Accounting Examples
Mental accounting is really the household equivalent of financial accounting, said Richard Thaler, an economist at the University of Chicago who was the first to describe how the phenomenon works. Just as an office expense-account maven might tell you that your budget for lunch is no more than $25, you make projections on how much you will spend using your own money. This mostly ends up saving you time. You don't have to think twice (although maybe you should) about the $3 latte you get each morning because you have a mental account that says you are entitled to a $3 latte each day.
Customer Reaction and Unbundling
I serve as the elected VP of Technology of the student body in my school. I received a very detailed email from one of my classmates regarding the need for one unified payment scheme for all services we use. This person did not like the fact that after paying close to $20,000 for the MBA tuition, we are asked to pay separately for
- Student association fee
- Orientation fee
- Club membership fee
- Printing supplies fee
- Business card charges
- Gym fee
- etc
This is not an isolated example. Thaler talks about this in Mental Accounting. I will talk more about this in later articles. But to respond to this customer reaction, I would like to point to the Singapore Airlines example of classes of service.
The complaint I received and Mental Acounting are not about discarding unbundling. They point to the need for serving different segments differently. In the business class Singapore Airlines pampered their customers and did not unbundle their pricing. Similarly, MBAs paying high fee in top schools should be treated as business class (no pun) passengers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Is Unbundling The Opposite of Bundling?
Unbundling is not just undoing the bundling effect. It is deliberately separating product and service components that used to be treated and charged as part of the monolith.
For example, take the case of product warranties. Almost any product we buy come with 1-2 year warranties. It is taken for granted by all consumers. Manufacturers account for it in their balance sheet with deferred liability based on their model for warranty expenses. The stores usually sell additional service plan, for an additional fee,that extends the warranty period. This is optional but many retailers end up making considerable profit from these sales. Suppose the manufacturers decided to do away with automatic warranties and decided to sell a 3-year service plan, that is unbundling.
Getting The Definitions Right
Bundling: Bundling is the sale of two or more separate products in one package.
Examples: Opera season tickets, multimedia PC
Price bundling: Price bundling is the sale of two or more separate products as a package at a discount, without any integration of the products.
Examples: Luggage sets, variety pack of cereals
Product bundling: Product bundling is the integration and sale of two or more separate products at any price.
Examples: Multimedia PC, sound system
Pure bundling: Pure bundling is a strategy in which a firm sells only the bundle and not (all) the products separately.
Examples:Apple Computers (Cannot buy it without the software but you can buy its OS X separately)
Mixed bundling: Mixed bundling is a strategy in which a firm sells both the bundle and (all) the products separately.
Examples: Telecom bundles
So what is Unbundling? The literature definition is, "selling all products separately and never as a bundle". I define unbundling as
" a deliberate pricing strategy to separate truly optional components in a product/service and price these individually giving customers the option to buy or not"
The key word is "optional". If a component is essential for for the customer to achieve their primary goal then it is unbundling even if priced separately.
Unbundled pricing is a la carte pricing, except that products were always marketed and viewed as a one monolith and not as a bundle of components. For example, until now Airlines never separated out or itemized in-flight meals, baggage service etc. An airline customer never considered they were purchasing a bundle. What is happening now is unbundling the seemingly monolithic components into their sub-parts and pricing them separately.
Unbundling Is Working For Jet Blue
There is some product innovation is included in JetBlue's unbundling. For example JetBlue claims that they are giving them eco-friendly fabric that eliminates dust and pollen. So they eliminated the free option and trying to increase the perceived value of the product through branding and messaging.
The opportunity to serve the needs of high value customers, those with higher RP, is made possible by unbundling their product. On the flip side, there is bound to customer backlash if they get the same old bad service for the additional fee. The baggage fee does look like one. While they try to capture value from those who have a need to check-in bags, the airlines are not offering an improvement.
This is an important takeaway in managing customer perception. If the unbundling is complemented with increase in perceived value, there is a better chance of customer acceptance.
Partioned Pricing Is Not Unbundled Pricing
Morwitz, Greenleaf, and Johnson (1998) show that partitionedThe key word here is "mandatory". One part cannot function or will be of any use without the other. For example,take the case of product plus shipping case they quote. When customers buy from an online only seller, there is no avoidance on purchasing the shipping. The customer does not have a choice on whether or not to purchse shipping even though they may have options for multiple classes of shipping.
pricing, in which a firm divides a product’s price into
two mandatory parts, the product and shipping charges, can
increase consumer demand because of lower recalled costs.
Partitioned pricing is not same as unbundling. In the Airline that I love talking about, suppose the airline charged a separate fee for your seat cushion and offer you three choices
- basic $8
- comfort $16
- super comfort $20
Two Part Tariff And Relation to Unbundling
A two-part tariff is a price discrimination technique in which the price of a product or service is composed of two parts - a lump-sum fee as well as a per-unit charge.The seller sets an "entry fee" to get into the store and sells items withn in the store separately. Once inside the store, the customer decides whether or not to purchase items at listed prices and the amount to buy. For a rational cutomer, once the subscription fee is paid, it is sunk and should have no impact on the decision to buy other goods or not.
A profit maximizing seller will set the price of goods sold at or above their marginal cost. The fixed subscription fee or entry fee is targeted to capture the consumer surplus. There is some parallel to between two-part tariff and airline baggage fees scheme. The list price for the ticket can be looked at as the entry fee and the itemized charges for meals and baggage are the second part.
The traveler has the option of whether or not purchase the plane ticket at the set price (the entry fee). When they show up to the airport they have the option of purchasing additional items like, better seat in the same class, baggage check-ins. Once inside the plane, they have more options like meals and drinks.
When looked along this dimension, current Airline price unbundling does look like two part tariff. The key is that airline is able to unbundle what used to be one service into multiple recognizable components.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Airlines That Now Offer Unbundled Services
- United. Used to be $15 per bag now, the second bag costs $50. Second bag used to be $25.
- Delta. First bag is free, second bag is a whopping $50.
- Frontier. $15 and $25
- Continental $15 per bag
Delta's scheme of $0 for the first and $50 for the second is interesting. Their customer profile data over the years must dictate this steeper charge for the second bag. The question that needs answering are, why they chose to bundle the first bag. If the passenger profiles of United and Delta are alike, shouldn't the Reservation Price (RP) be alike and hence both should charge similar pricing for first bag?
Here is a detailed price table for airlines.
Airlines Unbundling Leads To Further Differentiated Pricing
Citing volatile fuel prices, United Airlines has announced it will double the fee for checking a second bag from $25 to $50 beginning Nov. 10. The fee won’t apply to first or business-class flyers, or those who have “premier” status with United or Star Alliance.I have not looked in detail at airline cost accounting, but I tend to believe that cost of the a trip is all fixed cost and does not vary with number of passengers or checked in bags, significantly. So it is not entirely true that fuel prices is the reason for charging for checked in bags.
But once they introduced the additional fee of $15 for the first bag, charging $25 (or even more) is the logical next step. For those with a combined RP of $40, this pricing scheme will capture more of their consumer surplus. Those with RP lower than $40 will stick to one bag or no bags. The latest news now is that United doubled this $25 fee to $50.
If there is indeed a variable cost component to fuel costs that is tied to weight of bags, United will get to recoup this cost from the differentiated pricing. Since the cost is most possibly linear, the non-linear increase in baggage fees implies a higher contribution margin to capture more consumer surplus.
Progressive non-linear pricing is clearly an advantage of unbundling.
Another key point to note that United is unbundling only for the coach class and still offering the superior all inclusive service to the business class. This goes back to Singapore airlines discussion in a previous post.
Singapore Airlines- Refusing to Unbundle
Singapore is not making its service offering the prime focus for all its customer segments. It has clearly identified the business class passengers, those who are not paying with other people's money or in the Richistan segment. The first group does not care about high price for the bundle and the second does not care about its spending.
Clearly unbundling is not the right strategy when marketing to segments that have a high Reservation Price (RP) and does not want to be bothered with evaluating the value of component options. When the consumers do not know and want to be bothered with value of components and demand a high level of service at a high RP, they should be offered just that. Unbundling is not recommended for this segment.
On the other hand, the coach class passengers are still the higher percentage by numbers. Singapore Airlines has about 300 coach passesngers in its long-haul fights. The people in this class are either paying with their own money or working with expense account limits. Unbundling is an attractive option to this segment because their RP for the different components vary significantly. For example, non-business travelers will value checkedin baggage handling more than inflight service compared with business travelers. Bundling the services will lead to offering middle of the road service that does not fully serve any one sub-segment's needs and does not capture value from those with high RP.
Unbundling the service will allow the airline to deliver high quality service to each sub-segment on dimensions that they desire. For example, no queue check-in, Internet connection and better food service to business travellers and free baggage check-in and no or reduced inflight service for price conscious travelers.
In summary bundling and unbundling is not a strategy that can be applied uniformly in all segments. The strategies have their application in each segment as long as the customers self-select.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Restaurants Struggling With Increasing Costs

In economics, menu costs are the costs to firms of updating menus, price lists, brochures, and other materials when prices change in an economy. Because this transaction cost exists, firms sometimes do not change their prices when the economy puts pressure on it, leading to price stickiness.Restaurants face declining customers due to slowing economy and concerns about the future. So they are unsure of how the price increases would affect sales. Some restaurants are resorting to cost cutting through substitutions and downgrading ingredients. Restaurants have another option than looking for lower quality ingredients that risk eroding their brand, unbundle their offerings and price them accordingly. For instance,
- Make the price reflect just the core offering
- Identify the extras and list them separately
- Price the service separate from the product
Five Reasons To Not Unbundle
Exposes the product cost structure to customers and competitors. This may involuntarily lead the marketer to do cost-based pricing and not value based pricing.
- When the prices reflect the cost to produce the components, it leads to product commoditization and brand erosion.
- When individual components are priced and distributed separately, the brand focus shifts from the top-level brand to the component brands. For example, when CBS network decides to price its CSI series separately, then latter brand takes precedence over the CBS brand.
- The accounting and transaction cost may be very high or exceed the benefits of unbundling.
- Unbundling can tie the marketer to the current product mix and make them not see the top-level product innovations that can deliver higher value than the current product mix.
Unbundling The Digital News Media

The simplest level of unbundling follows the first kind, selling only individual papers. But a more interesting type of unbundling is selling individual stories, some of which could be priced as much as, if not more than, the price of the newspaper itself. With print medium, the physical limitations prohit unbundling along this dimension. However, the same is easily doable with the digital version of the newspaper.
In his Miami Heral column, Professor Wasserman of Washington and Lee University talks about this unbundling as a solution to Ad-Free journalism,
Modern computing offers unparalleled capacities to track and calculate. Imagine a vast menu of news and commentary offered to you ad-free for pennies per item, the charges micro-billed, added up and presented like a utility bill at month's end. The money that journalism providers got would depend on their audience.The distribution solution is technologically possible but it requires a common and feasible system for payments, especially when the prices are lower compared to today's transaction costs. As part of this study we will look at the impact of transaction costs in unbundling services and innovations that can address these risks.
Why Unbundle Your Product?

A major role of prices is to present information to people about the true costs of their actions. If prices accurately reflect costs then individuals can compare the benefits of their actions to the costs of their actions and make informed decisions.With unbundling, a marketer can exactly give that information to their customers, giving them the option to select only those components that are maximizes their value. This assumes that customers know the benefit from individual feature components and can make a decision based on the consumer surplus.
Usage Based Pricing : An Case of Service Unbundling
- Flat or Subscription Pricing: Users pay a flat subscription fee for a period and consume as much as they want. As long as the usage patterns are distributed with a vast majority of users with below average consumption, the marketer will make profit. For example, Cable TV. Subscribers can watch any number of hours for a flat fee.
- Usage Based Pricing: Users pay for exactly how much they use. As long as the marketer an unbundle their service into measurable units and has means to meter the usage, they can price the service based on usage. For example, Water supply. The water meter measures exactly the number of gallons used and people pay for ust that amount.

The unbundling described here is on the extent of usage of a service and not on the multiple components. In the next few posts I will discuss the advantages and issues raised by Hal Varian and Jeffrey Mason and the relevance to Unbundled pricing.
Unbundled Pricing

This is a blog to track my independent research on unbundled pricing. For the scope of this study I am defining unbundled pricing as,
Identifying individual components that have a cost and value associated with them and pricing them separately.The breakdown into components should be recognizable by the custmer and they should add value even though the customers may not perceive the value due to current bundling.
To see unbundling in context, I offer you the following examples:
- BART tickets are sold based on mileage and they do not offer unlimited travel monthly pass. So every use, every mile traveled is priced and charged. BART is doing unbundled pricing for tickets.
- In European restaurants, table service is charged separately. So you could choose not to pay by eating at the counter. These places also charge separately for bread and sometimes even tap water. Compare that to restaurants that throw in free bread, chips, etc. European places are practicing unbundling.
- LinkedIn, a professional networking site, offers free membership to all. But it also offers a monthly subscription fee based service with value added features. One thing LinkedIn has done is the option to use some of these features on a pay-per-use model for those who do not want the full subscription. For example, anyone can use their "Send IN mail" feature at the cost of $10 per use.
- Korean gaming compnay Nexon has made their online gaming site free for gamers. But they sell invididual game items, from weapons to costumes at a price ranging from few cents to dollar. Nexon has unbundled its service.